by Keith Kelley–9 Jul ’24
It’s called the 307 campaign, and it launched yesterday (Monday) for Wyoming’s collective 1WYO. They are hoping to get 307 Cowboy and Cowgirl fans to donate $307 in order to raise funds for University of Wyoming student-athletes. With name, image and likeness (NIL) continuing to dominate headlines for college sports, this campaign will definitely help get 1WYO going in the right direction.
“The goal of that is to get at least 1,000 Wyoming Cowboy and Cowgirl fans, as Tom Burman (Wyoming Athletic Director) says ‘to row together’ and contribute at least $307 to the collective–and hopefully to do it on an annual basis, but at least to do it one time,” said Edwards. “This will go a long way to help put funds in our silos for the different sports. And you can, if you want to designate it for men’s basketball or football or wherever the case may be, you can do that.”
With the one-year anniversary coming up for 1WYO, Edwards believes it’s a great idea to re-engauge the fan base with their mission.
“We think that goal is an accomplishable goal and helps get people and fans like you and me involved, and being willing and able to contribute.” Edwards adds, “Once we put that money together, just do the math there, that’s $307,000 if we get 1,000 people to contribute 307 bucks–that’s why they call it a collective. If we all row together and come together, we can put a substantial amount of money to help build it up so that coming into the next contract season, if you will, we’ll be able to engage some student-athletes and retain those student-athletes at Wyoming.”
1WYO is dedicated to empowering student-athletes to leverage their name, image, and likeness for the betterment of Wyoming’s local communities. The NIL Collective serves to strengthen, promote, and otherwise support its charitable partners through engaging community-minded Wyoming student athletes to use their NIL to make Wyoming better.
Information on 1WYO and how you can support our mission can be found at 1WYO.org, or by contacting us at 1wyo@1wyo.org or by mail to P.O. Box 307, Laramie, WY 82073. To stay up to date on the latest news and announcements, please follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and X– @1WYOInc.