It’s a new year — time to be good for a week or so
OK, let me just get this out of the way: Time just seems to go faster the older I get. There. I said it. Now I’ve officially crossed into middle age. Now that I’ve gotten […]
OK, let me just get this out of the way: Time just seems to go faster the older I get. There. I said it. Now I’ve officially crossed into middle age. Now that I’ve gotten […]
In my opinion, you just can’t beat winter. The colder and snowier, the better. As for the cold, I say bring it on. I love it. I enjoy getting bundled up in layer after layer […]
The last week of the year is always pretty meager in terms of production on the job. You’re still probably a bit groggy from all the Christmas festivities, and in another couple of days, you’ll […]
I’m sure there were plenty of goose calls, pheasant vests and shotgun shells under the trees yesterday. And I’m sure if you were the happy recipient of any of these items, you were dying to […]
I hope you had a very merry Christmas. If you have some sort of a Christian background, Christmas is a day of peace, love and caring. Maybe you enjoyed some long-running holiday traditions, or maybe […]
Merry Christmas to you. Even to those who aren’t deeply religious, if they have some sort of a Christian background, Christmas is a day of peace, love and caring. In Wyoming, for most people, December […]
It’s stocking stuffing season again, and I freely admit I’m terrible about finding stuff to stick in stockings. I’m determined to do a better job of it this year. And while I’m out there trying […]
There’s a huge group of people who already know about Air Soft guns. Or Soft Air guns, depending on who makes the model in question. They’re pretty much the same thing. If you don’t know […]
Let’s face it. If you haven’t sent off that stack of Christmas cards yet, it’s too late now. On the same token, any packages you haven’t sent to their intended recipients in other states aren’t […]
Several years ago, my wife gave me a paintball gun for Christmas. Actually, the preferred term is paintball marker. With the “don’t point guns at people” rule in mind, painball players decided to go with […]
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