Don’t miss Mule Deer Days this weekend

The wait’s almost over – Mule Deer Days is this weekend. If you haven’t gotten your tickets yet, get them soon, and plan to be in Rock Springs this Friday and Saturday.

I’ve been looking forward to Mule Deer Days for several months now. It’s a new hunting and outdoors expo put on by the Muley Fanatic Foundation with collaboration from the Wyoming Game and Fish Department. There aren’t many hunting seasons open right now, so Mule Deer Days is a good way to fill that void.

They’ll have vendors from tons of outdoor companies, including KUIU, Weatherby, Lucid Optics and Sportsman’s Warehouse. Those are just the tip of the iceberg – I don’t have the entire list of vendors, but there are a whole bunch of others, too.

Admission to Mule Deer Days is $20 for one day or $30 for both, and it all happens from noon to 9 p.m. on Friday and 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday at the Sweetwater Events Complex in Rock Springs.

In addition to all the great stuff on display from the vendors, there are a ton of other activities and seminars both days. They’ve got the FlipFlop Guy coming to show how to cook this fantastic wild game dish, and there’s an Annie Oakley Brunch at 10 a.m. on Friday for the ladies. Comedian Ginger Billy will be there on Saturday evening, and there’ll be an auction that night, too. Tickets are extra for those special events, but you can get all the tickets at

The proceeds from Mule Deer Days will go where all the Muley Fanatic funds go – to projects right here in Wyoming that help support and protect our wildlife and the habitats they live in.

Oh, and they’re giving away a ton of great prizes, too. One of the raffles alone has 200 guns to be given out.

So get to Rock Springs Friday and Saturday for Mule Deer Days.