Governor Gordon Signs Executive Order Creating Task Force to Begin Planning Efforts for America’s 250th Anniversary

Governor Mark Gordon has signed an Executive Order creating the Wyoming Semiquincentennial Planning Task Force to make recommendations on the planning of events and activities to commemorate the 250th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence and the founding of the United States. 

“The signing of the Declaration of Independence is of major significance in the development of the United States’ national heritage, establishing foundational American values of individual liberty, representative government, and the attainment of equal and inalienable rights,” the Governor’s proclamation reads.

The Task Force created by the Executive Order will prepare proposals for events and activities that will occur as part of the celebration in 2026. It will include members appointed by the Governor representing the Wyoming Legislature, The Northern Arapaho and Eastern Shoshone Tribes, Wyoming Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources, Wyoming Office of Tourism, the Superintendent of Public Instruction, University of Wyoming and Wyoming community colleges and other non-governmental or industry organizations.

The Executive Order does not authorize the Task Force to expend or obligate funds, unless those funds are specifically appropriated by the Legislature in a future session.

Those interested in serving on the Wyoming Semiquincentennial Planning Task Force should send an expression of interest to

The Wyoming Semiquincentennial Planning Task Force follows the creation of the U.S. Semiquincentennial Commission, which was established by Congress in 2016. The nonpartisan Commission is composed of 16 private citizens, 4 U.S. Representatives and 4 Senators, as well as 12 ex-officio members from all three branches of the federal government and its independent agencies.