Governor Pushes for Property Tax Relief and Highlights Wyoming’s Strong Economy in State of State Speech

Wyoming’s economy is growing and its future is bright, Governor Mark Gordon said in his 2024 State of the State speech. He highlighted that Wyoming’s GDP is the highest in history and unemployment is as low as it has been since 2008. He did note that the state must continue its efforts to grow its workforce and maintain its position as a leader in energy innovation. 

“Wyoming is open for business, constantly seeking to innovate and improve,” the Governor said. “I can proudly say, Wyoming is on a roll.”

Given this is a Budget Session of the Legislature, Governor Gordon urged Legislators to focus on that key task and pass the conservative budget he presented, one which keeps general fund spending flat when compared to 2021.

“I am confident the task at hand, setting the budget for the next two years, is serious enough that folks will keep their attention on meeting the needs of the people of Wyoming. This is not Washington — Wyoming folks are focused on solutions not politics,” Governor Gordon said. 

He noted his proposed budget takes on significant needs like property tax relief, targeting those truly in need. He also asked the Legislature to be mindful of the potential impacts to county resources, roads, and schools when considering Legislation that addresses high property taxes. 

The Governor emphasized that Wyoming is well-positioned to capitalize on energy opportunities. The state will continue to innovate and invest in fossil energy while remaining a leader in balancing energy and the environment.

“Wyoming is bullish on energy, all energy. Despite the misguided federal government, there is just so much energy opportunity here in Wyoming. We need to capitalize on it,” the Governor said. “Wyoming embraces an all-of-the-above energy policy because America is best powered by American energy.”

His budget proposal furthers innovations that help the coal industry and the energy sector overall. 

Addressing the workforce challenges facing Wyoming, the Governor called for continued support in the budget for his Wyoming Innovation Partnership (WIP), saying the initiative is beginning to show results in linking the state’s economic strategy with community goals.

“Wyoming is brimming with economic promise, and we must greet opportunity when it knocks with a well-trained and prepared workforce,” Governor Gordon said.

The Governor also discussed education, mental health and border security in his address. He emphasized that the state will continue to fight back against federal overreach, and that support for the budget provides the resources needed to protect the rights of Wyoming’s people. 

“I will never shy away from our responsibility to stand up to the federal government,” Governor Gordon added. “Currently we have 39 pending cases before courts across a spectrum of matters protecting Wyoming’s interests. We have not only fought back, we have won. Wyoming demands the right to develop its resources.”