Sporting clays will scratch the hunting itch temporarily

I’m getting excited about the upcoming bird season. Too excited, actually. I need to do something soon, or I’m going to explode.

It’s time to get back into the hunting groove. The actual season is still a long way away, but I’m going stir crazy being cooped up in the house or the office all the time. Fishing’s great, but it just isn’t the same as hunting. I need to go do something hunting-related.

I had a friend invite me to help him use a gift certificate he got for a sporting clays range, and we’re trying to find a time to cash it in.

The trouble is that sporting clays can be quite humbling. The few times I’ve done it, I’ve missed a whole lot more than I’ve hit. I could easily come away from an afternoon out there feeling more frustrated than fulfilled.

So I guess I’ll just have to keep going back until I can actually hit something. I’ve socked away some disposable income, so I should be able to get about an eighth of the way toward good by the time I go through all that cash. I don’t actually hold out any hope that I’ll ever be a crack shot on sporting clays, but at least I’ll have some fun. And while I’m at it, I’ll scratch the hunting itch, if only for a day or two. Now the only trick is to find the time to go do it.

That’s where the other part of my plan comes in. I’ve asked my boss’s husband if he’d like to go a few times, too, so maybe my boss’ll give me an afternoon or two here and there off so I can get her hubby out of the house for a few hours. It might not work, but it’s certainly worth a try.

The only way it would work better is if my boss were also a bird hunter. If you’re lucky enough to be in that situation, maybe you can get away from work a little more often. You’ll have to go with your boss, but it beats working.

Just don’t outshoot the boss or the boss’s main squeeze. Of course, with sporting clays, that shouldn’t be a problem.