Gov 2-15-20
Mark Gordon signed his Migration Corridor Executive Order at a public ceremony
in the Capitol, the culmination of an approach that supports conservation,
protects landowner rights and accommodates multiple-use opportunities.
“This Executive Order speaks to what Wyoming is,” Governor Gordon said. “We can
come together on difficult issues, we can solve problems together, and we can
lead the way. Every piece of this has truly been a Wyoming solution.”
The broad process that led to the Executive Order began with the establishment
of the Migration Corridor Advisory Group last May. The group met three times in
2019 and included representatives from the oil and gas, mining, and agriculture
sectors, as well as conservation, recreation and sportsmen groups and a county
The Order outlines a science-based approach for identifying potential migration
corridors. The process includes an in-depth evaluation, a public comment
process, and the creation of area working groups that would include landowners
and elected officials prior to any corridor designation.
“I believe we have crafted an excellent approach,” the Governor said. “People
in Wyoming love their wildlife and love their jobs, and we can do both. We are
leading the nation in this effort.”
The full text of the Executive Order can be found on the Governor’s website here. The Governor expressed his appreciation for the
advisory group that crafted sound recommendations and to all the people who
participated and commented along the way.