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Great Outdoors

One crazy pack trip coming up

I’ve written a lot about the mishaps that have taken place during our family pack trips. Those trips have provided the bulk of the inspiration for most of the writing I’ve done in my career. […]

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Great Outdoors

Weekend weather has been less than stellar

Depending on where in Wyoming you live, you’re probably catching the same lousy weather we’re having down here in the southeast corner. On the other hand, the weekdays have been staggeringly beautiful. A couple of […]

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Great Outdoors

Great. Another way to fish.

Maybe I’ve just been spending too much time at my day job. That’s the only way I can explain why it took me so long to hear about Tenkara. At the risk of explaining something […]

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Great Outdoors

Jeep Hard Rock is nearly perfect

The vehicle fairies dropped another four-wheel-drive at my office a few weeks ago, and this one was a beauty. It was a Jeep Wrangler, but not just any Wrangler. This one was a Rubicon, which […]