Campaign/Advertising Signs Not Allowed in Highway Right-of-Way

The Wyoming Department of Transportation would like to remind residents, businesses and elected officials that advertising signs cannot be placed in the state highway right-of-way.

Placing signs or objects within the highway right-of-way or state property is prohibited, including on right-of-way fencing or on trees, traffic signs or traffic signal poles. Objects within the rights-of-way can create safety hazards for motorists, pedestrians and highway maintenance staff. 

“With the upcoming elections, we’ve seen an increase in the number of signs our maintenance crews are having to remove from the right-of-way fence or from the right-of-way itself,” said WYDOT maintenance foreman Chad Shaffer of Shoshoni. “Wyoming law and WYDOT policy prohibit placement of signs in those areas, so when our maintenance crews come through an area, they pick them up and take them to the area maintenance office. Whoever owns the sign has two weeks to claim the sign, and then we dispose of the sign if it is not claimed.”

Wyoming Statute 24-10-104 states that outdoor advertising must meet certain conditions for placement. Fines and even jail time can be inflicted on those who don’t comply with the law.

“This applies to political candidates, real estate representatives and residents advertising garage sales. Posting these signs along roadways is illegal within the right-of-way of rural highways and interstates,” Shaffer said.

This procedure also applies to people who erect private memorials within the state right of way, or decorate an existing roadside memorial sign.

Business people and citizens who believe their signs may have been removed by WYDOT crews may contact the nearest WYDOT maintenance office to make arrangements to pick up the signs.

“Our concern is always for the safety of the traveling public,” Shafffer said.