Changing Visitation in Grand Teton

This year’s visitation statistics show September as the second busiest September on record in Grand Teton National Park. This year’s month of September saw more recreation visits than the month of June. Historically, June, July and August were the most visited months of the year, however, this year, July, August and September have been the most visited months thus far.

In addition, the park’s total recreation visitation for 2023 (3,059,238) has exceeded the total recreation visits for all of 2022 (2,806,223), indicating a 21% increase year-to-date.

Data from trail counters indicate that trail use from June–August 2023 increased by 1.2% compared to last year and 12% compared to 2019. For the month of September, trail use increased 4% compared to September 2022. Year-to-date backcountry overnight stays also increased 4.3% this year compared to the same time frame in 2022.

Grand Teton continues to see changes in how and when people visit the park. The park just completed initial Visitor Use and Experience civic engagement where the public was asked for their input about how they visit the park and what their experiences have been. Park staff are reviewing the comments that were received and will share the results in the upcoming months.

If you are interested in learning more about visitation statistics in Grand Teton National Park or any other National Park Service site, please visit

Winter is here and many roads and facilities in Grand Teton are closed. If planning to visit the park, be prepared by bringing food, water and extra layers of clothing. Check the weather and park conditions at and know what roads are open by checking Grand Teton’s live road status map at Follow Grand Teton on FacebookTwitter and Instagram for more.