Cheney 2-5-20
Wyoming Congresswoman and House GOP Conference Chair Liz Cheney (R-WY) spoke with Fox News’ Harris Faulkner this afternoon about Speaker Pelosi’s decision to tear up President Trump’s State of the Union speech following the address. Watch video of the interview here and see a transcript below:
REP. LIZ CHENEY: I think that the Senate has got to make decisions, each individual senator has to make their own decisions. I can tell you that the articles of impeachment that came out of the House of Representatives were completely partisan and the President was impeached by Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, and all of the House Democrats who voted for that, he was impeached in the absence of any direct evidence. It was an impeachment based on assumption, based on presumption, and we know the person who owes the American people, there are many on the Democratic side, who owe us an apology. But certainly Adam Schiff for all the lies that he told and frankly, Speaker Pelosi. Not only for what she did during impeachment, how she absolutely abandoned her oath to the Constitution, but for what she continues to do and what she did last night. When she tore up the State of the Union address, that’s an official document of the House of Representatives and by doing that she disgraced herself, she brought dishonor on the House of Representatives. She is the one who owes people an apology.