VA 11-1-20
As COVID-19 continues to rise in our region, the Cheyenne Veterans Affairs (VA) Health Care System announced today, new safeguards aimed at limiting COVID-19 exposure risk to patients and staff.
Beginning Monday, Nov. 2, the medical center in Cheyenne, and its clinics in Loveland, Ft. Collins, Sidney and Rawlins have adopted a “No Visitor” stance, meaning no outside visitors or caregivers will be permitted access to their facilities. Additionally, all appointments at mobile clinics in Laramie, Wheatland, Torrington and Sterling will be rescheduled for VA Video Connect or postponed until further notice.
“The rise in COVID-19 cases is staggering, and as a precaution to our Veterans and staff we need to reduce the foot traffic through our hospital,” said Paul Roberts, medical center director. “We will provide transport for Veterans upon entry to our facilities, and we kindly ask that our visitors and caregivers wait in the comfort of their vehicle.”
Since March, the Cheyenne VA has instituted a number of programs and policies to assist our Veterans in remaining healthy and assist in preventing the spread of COVID-19:
· Mandatory surgical masking, and screening for symptoms for all Veterans and staff upon entry to all facilities.
· Fully integrate VA Video Connect, which allows our Veterans to communicate with their providers over video from the comfort of their own home. To take advantage of VA Video Connect, Veterans should call their primary care or clinical provider.
· And, the medical center has established drive-up services for Veterans for COVID-19 testing; hearing aid service; and medication pickup. To make arrangements for drive up services, Veterans should call 307-778-7550 ext. 3253.
“These commonsense measures will help protect patients and staff,” Roberts said. “The Cheyenne VA will make every effort to minimize the impact of these policies on Veterans while putting patient and staff safety first.”
All Veterans and caregivers are encouraged to follow local, state and CDC guidelines in protecting their loved ones from COVID-19.