Christmas season is here again

The tinsel, wreaths, ribbons and bows are on display again, and not just at the retail stores. Christmas time is here again.

Christmas is the time of year when kids are expected to be kids, and grown-ups who are acting their shoe sizes aren’t looked down upon, either. That’s a lucky thing for me. Maybe that’s why I’ve always loved the Christmas season. I can get away with being giddy and excitable. I’m always that way, but during December nobody gives me too much grief about it.

Maybe it’s because of what goes on outside this time of year. The waterfowl hunting is excellent in December. There isn’t much that beats sitting in the dark, damp interior of an earthen goose pit on a day with a high temperature of 2 degrees and a dense layer of clouds no more than 20 yards over your head, straining to hear the whistle of wings over the howling of the wind through the holes in your parka’s hood. No, it doesn’t get much better than that.

But even I know there is more to the Christmas season than sledding, hunting, skiing and acting like a kid. There is a much more important reason we celebrate Christmas. Christmas means presents.

Before you judge me as a selfish, materialistic heathen, let me explain that I get more joy out of seeing the expressions on the faces of loved ones when they open an especially thoughtful gift from me, like the sporting clays shooting vest I gave my wife last year with my name embroidered on it so she’d remember my love for her while she shoots. And I got it in size triple-X-large, so she can wear it over several layers of coats and sweatshirts.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m grateful for all the gifts I’ve received over the years, and I’m not the kind to act like I’m above getting presents. When people ask me what I want for Christmas, I’ll let them know. I don’t just say, “Oh, all I want is to spend the holiday with those I love.” Yeesh.

So welcome to the Christmas season. Break out the holiday CDs, string up the lights and get into the spirit. It only comes around once a year, so enjoy it.

And since the most rewarding part of the season is giving, if anyone out there wants to give me a brand-new Range Rover, I’d be happy to help you feel great. It’s the least I can do.


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