Now that I’m working full-time as a writer and photographer, there are some benefits as well as challenges. One of the biggest challenges is cash flow. That means just about everything I do needs to pay for itself, or at the very least, it has to be tax-deductible somehow.
So I was excited when I talked to Wind River Gallery in Riverton, and Scott Schoening told me he’d like to see some of my photography. There’s no guarantee he’ll hang it in his shop, and even if he does, I’ll still need someone to buy it, but it’s a start. And as an added benefit, it allows me an excuse to write off a trip to Riverton.
I’m excited to talk to Scott and see if he can sell my work, but I’m also going to do some long-overdue exploring in my old stomping grounds. I plan to visit the Wind River, where I used to spend 98 percent of my free time, and try to get some good photos. I don’t know if the pictures will live up to my memories, but I look forward to seeing what the river bottoms look like today. The spring runoff always changes the course of the river down there, and though it might cover up some cool features, it almost always exposes others.
I’m also hoping to find some wild horses to chase around, and maybe we’ll find some sage grouse or burrowing owls, as well. And the more natural wonders I find, the more justification I will have for writing off the trip.
Above all, it’ll be good to see my family again. My dad’s going to go with me on my photo excursions, so maybe I’ll even have some good mishaps to talk about next week. We can’t seem to go anywhere together without one of us getting injured.
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