Office of the Governor 10-13, 2016
Governor Matt Mead and Secretary of State Ed Murray today announced the completion of a new administrative rules website. The website is part of an effort by the state to improve access to administrative rules with a centralized and searchable database.
The website is a result of Governor Mead’s policy to streamline government which led to legislation being passed in 2014. A Rules Taskforce comprised of the Governor’s Office, the Secretary of State’s Office, the Legislative Service Office and the Attorney General’s Office worked to build a centralized system to promote transparency and access to emergency, proposed, and final rules by state agencies and the public.
“Fewer rules reduce the burden on people and businesses,” said Governor Mead. “I asked agencies, boards and commissions to reduce their rules one-third in number and one-third in length. Many have done that. This website makes it easier to find existing rules and follow the process as new rules are introduced. I thank everyone who worked to make this a reality.”
Individual agencies that have rulemaking authority are responsible for the promulgation and content of rules and regulations. The Secretary of State’s Office facilitates the viewing of agency rules by the public. When locating proposed rules through the new website, the public may provide public comment directly to the promulgating agency by using the public comment link on the website.
“This new website is extremely helpful for the public in transparency, accessibility, and cutting red tape. The public may now find the content of rules quickly instead of spending valuable time scouring various agency websites,” said Secretary Murray.
The rules database offers word search capability for current, proposed and past rules. In order to track rule development more closely, any member of the public may subscribe to receive notifications of emergency, proposed, and final rules. These new online services eliminate the paper-based delivery system for rules used in the past. All administrative rules are searchable online and immediately available for viewing by anyone on this website maintained by the Secretary of State’s Office.
To access the rules website, visit: http://rules.wyo.gov.