Governor Mead Establishes Council For Women’s Suffrage Celebration

By Staff 6-8,2016

Governor Matt Mead signed an Executive Order for the Wyoming Women’s Suffrage Celebration yesterday.

The Executive Order establishes a Governor’s Council to organize the Wyoming Women’s Suffrage Celebration. The Celebration will take place between December 2019 and September 2020. It marks two significant milestones – the 150th anniversary of the December, 1869 Wyoming Act granting women the right to vote and the 150th anniversary of the first vote cast by a woman in Wyoming in September, 1870. Wyoming was the first government to grant women the right to vote under an unconditional, general franchise.

Six members of the Council – one each from the League of Women Voters of Laramie, Louisa Swain Foundation, Wyoming Humanities Council, Wyoming State Parks and Cultural Resources, University of Wyoming and Wyoming Tourism Office – will serve as the Executive Committee.

“Wyoming gave women the right to vote, generally and unconditionally, before anyone else – and more than 50 years before the nation,” said Governor Mead. “It’s important for us to commemorate the occasion with great programs and activities. I thank the Council members for taking on this effort.”