Health Orders Extended, Restrictions on Indoor Contact Sports Lifted

Gov 9-15-20

Governor Mark Gordon has announced that Wyoming’s Public Health Orders have been extended an additional two weeks through Sept. 30. One change has been made to Order No. 1, which now permits indoor close-contact group activities and sports to occur in all settings.

The Governor cited a desire to see the impacts of the Labor Day holiday and the reopening of K-12 schools for in-person learning before taking additional steps and further easing health orders.  

Restrictions on outdoor gatherings were eased in August and outdoor contact sports commenced at that time. Health officials have been able to continuously evaluate the easing of those restrictions and the resulting impact. There were minimal issues identified as a result of outdoor contact sports resuming. Health officials will continue to take specific, measured steps in the easing of orders, as conditions warrant.

“Wyoming has really held its own; Schools are open and sports are being played on Fridays and Saturdays,” Governor Gordon said. “We want to be careful to avoid going backwards and losing the high ground we hold. Steady progress beats the alternative, which would be devastating to our businesses, our schools and our citizens.”

Health orders continue to allow outdoor gatherings of no more than 50% of venue capacity, with a maximum of 1,000 people as long as social distancing and increased sanitization measures are in place. Indoor gatherings in a confined space remain limited to 50 persons without restrictions and 250 persons if social distancing and sanitization measures are incorporated.

The Governor and State Health Officer Dr. Alexia Harrist noted that the procedures implemented by school districts across the state have been largely successful in limiting the spread of the virus. Protocols including social distancing and mask usage by staff and students have been effective in preventing widespread outbreaks. To date no school buildings in Wyoming have been required to close.

Over the past 14 days, Wyoming has averaged approximately 31 new cases per day, and the percent of COVID-19 tests with a positive result is 2.1.

As of September 15, Wyoming has recorded 3,762 lab-confirmed positive cases of COVID-19, 676 probable cases and 46 deaths. Nearly 138,000 tests have been completed by the Wyoming Public Health Laboratory and commercial reference laboratories.

The updated health orders are attached and can be found on Wyoming’s COVID-19 website.

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