LSO 1-25-17
The Wyoming House of Representatives Education Committee has released HB0236 School Finance-Omnibus Education Funding, which proposes solutions to address the state’s anticipated K-12 education revenue-expenditure imbalance. The legislation is available for the public’s review under “Current Items of Interest” on the Legislature’s homepage at www.wyoleg.gov. The House Education Committee is requesting public comment on the legislation, which may be submitted through Feb. 6 on the Legislature’s Website at: http://www.wyoleg.gov/PostComments/Disclaimer.aspx?CommID=H04
The legislation reflects feedback received from the public on the Wyoming K-12 Education Funding Deficit White Paper that was released in December by a Subcommittee of the Wyoming Legislature’s Joint Education Committee.
The Legislature’s House Education Committee and other members of the House of Representatives will consider public comment for possible amendments to the legislation. Any amendments to the legislation can be tracked via the Legislature’s Website by clicking on the “2017 Bill Tracking Information” link on the homepage.
Questions regarding the legislation should be directed to Chairman of the House Education Committee, Representative David Northrup.