Is it just me, or is it hot out there?

It’s hot. It’s almost too hot to fish. It shouldn’t be this hot this early in the year. It makes me really worry about what’s still to come. But at least I know it’s not as hot high up in the mountains.

I spent a large part of last weekend sprawled out in my recliner in my basement, complaining about the heat. It’s far too early in the year for that. I shouldn’t be griping about scorching weather until well into July. It makes me worry that I suddenly got old. The next thing you know, I’m going to be yelling at kids to get off my lawn.

I don’t think that’s it, though. Well, not entirely it. I’ve been catching myself doing old-man things lately, like falling asleep in that recliner in my basement. I didn’t think much of it until I saw a post on social media that said, “How to fall asleep in a chair: 1. Get old. 2. Sit in a chair.”

But the main reason I think I’m complaining about the heat is that it’s hotter than it usually gets this early in the season. I really feel for the folks in places to the east of us – even as far north as Bismarck, North Dakota. They had temperatures above 100 degrees in the first week of June. That’s just not right.

We’re supposed to break 90 again today down here in Cheyenne, and that’s not normal, either. We don’t usually get highs that high until a bit later in the summer. So to beat the heat, I am going to try to get the family up to the high country this weekend.

Even if it gets hot during the day, which it certainly can do, it cools off overnight up in the mountains. A few nights of lower 40s or even upper 30s temperatures should get my mind right for the hot days we’re certain to have to deal with out here on the high plains.

I might have to repeat the process multiple times over the summer, if this early heat is any indication of what this summer is going to bring us.