It’s been a tough hunting season so far

I can’t recall a hunting season that’s gone this horribly wrong. It’s not that I haven’t been successful. It’s worse than that. I’ve hardly even been out.

We’ve got a great hunting season going on right now. The relatively wet and cool spring and summer helped push up some great forage for big game and upland birds, and we haven’t been really hammered by the winter storms yet. That’s left a whole lot of critters for hunters to go after.

But you have to get outside if you want to get something. I’ve been out a couple times for upland birds, but I still haven’t put my big game licenses to the test, nor have I set so much as one wadered foot in the duck marsh.

I’m glad I live in Wyoming, though. Some states have big game seasons that only last a week. I have a doe antelope license that’s good until December 31st, and a bunch of the general deer areas are open late into this month. There are even a few areas that are open for cow elk for another week or two, as well.

Pheasant season just opened, and waterfowl is only going to get better from here on out. There’s plenty of opportunity left for hunting, as long as I can squeak a weekend or three between now and the end of the year. I might even get lucky enough to use some vacation time during the week.

It’s getting more and more important for me to get outside, and not just for my own sake. My golden retriever’s looking at me like she’s going to bite me if I don’t take her out in the field, and if you know anything about goldens, you know that’s saying something. As for me, I’m about to go insane being cooped up indoors during the most promising hunting season I’ve seen in a while.

If you’re in the same boat, I hope you can figure out a way to get outside, too. It’s not panic time yet, but a lot of the season is behind us now. There’s still plenty of time to go after turkeys, deer, antelope, and upland birds, and waterfowl lasts well into next year. But don’t put it off too long. Do yourself a favor and go hunting soon. I hope to do the same.