Joint Appropriations Committee Agency Budget Hearings to Begin Tuesday

The Wyoming Legislature’s Joint Appropriations Committee (JAC) will conduct agency budget hearings starting Tuesday. A live video stream will be available on the Wyoming Legislature’s YouTube channel.

The budget hearings and mark-up will be conducted in Room E301 of the Wyoming State Capitol Dec. 12-15, Dec. 18-20, Jan. 8-12, and Jan. 15-19. The detailed schedule and associated materials for the budget hearings are available on the Legislature’s Website at

Each state agency, board or commission will present their proposed 2025-2026 budget to the JAC and take questions from the committee during budget hearings.

Once the hearings are complete, the JAC will then “work” the budgets and approve, deny, or modify each request. Once the JAC has completed its work on the budgets, the general appropriations or “budget bill” will be numbered and made available for public review. The full Legislature will then debate and adopt the biennial budget during the 2024 Budget Session, which convenes on Feb. 12.