by Keith Kelley–15 Aug ’18
Wyoming sophomore Trey Woods led the Cowboys in rushing yards last year, after switching from defense. Now the 6’3″, 216 pounder is going back to the defensive side of the field, this time as a defensive end, as head coach Craig Bohl announced that after Tuesday’s practice.
With the running back spot having a full boat of candidates, Woods was the choice to make the move. Freshman running back Jevon Bigelow, who has wowed offensive coaches during fall camp, says it came as a bit of a shock to the whole unit.
“We were all upset, actually. We were shocked too, knowing that one of our running backs was switching positions.” Bigelow added, “And Trey was one of the one’s that would help me out, and take extra time to make sure I got everything, and stay on me for learning plays. It’s definitely devastating, but we still keep in contact, and if I have any questions, I’ll definitely ask him and the other running backs as well.”
The Cowboys continue with fall camp in Laramie, as the season opens up August 25th at New Mexico State.