June 3, 2020 –Multiple Wyoming cities and counties are exceeding the national average for self-response rates to the 2020 Census. So far, more than 150,000 households in Wyoming have self-responded, many choosing the new online version of the questionnaire for its convenience, ease of use and quick access.
Wyoming marked its first major 2020 Census milestone on May 21st when it reached a 50 percent statewide self-response rate. The national response rate surged to 60.5 percent earlier this week; however, many locations within Wyoming have already met or surpassed the national response rate.
The following Wyoming Counties and Cities have met or exceeded the national 2020 Census Self-Response Rate of 60.5% (as of 06/1/20):
Counties that have met or exceeded the national self-response rate:
· Laramie – 66.0%
· Park – 60.5%
Cities that have met or exceeded the national self-response rate:
- Cheyenne – 69.8%
- Rolling Hills – 68.9%
- Bar Nunn – 68.3%
- Buffalo – 68.0%
- Sheridan – 67.8%
- Green River – 67.7%
- Bear River – 66.5%
- Powell – 66.4%
- Lander – 64.8%
- Cody – 63.9%
- Torrington – 63.6%
- Casper – 63.6%
- Worland – 62.2%
- Laramie – 62.2%
- Kemmerer – 60.6%
- Lovell – 60.5%
To date, more than 89.5 million households have now completed their 2020 Census questionnaire. The Census Bureau continues to encourage the public to respond online at 2020census.gov. Households can respond online in English or 12 other languages or by phone. Wyoming residents can also respond by mail using the paper questionnaire.
People are strongly encouraged to respond promptly to the 2020 Census using the ID number included in the questionnaire packet. Responding with your unique census ID online, by phone or on the paper questionnaire helps ensure the best count of your community.
Visit the Census Bureau’s online response rate map, which shows response rates by state, city, county and census tract. People still have time to respond online, by phone, or by mail – all without having to meet a census taker. Households in Wyoming who have yet to respond to the census by later this summer (mid-August) will receive a visit from a census taker, who will help them respond.
For more information, visit 2020census.gov.