No better time than now for some archery practice

For the first time in a long time, I’ve finally remembered to get my hunting license applications in before the deadline. That means it’s time to get back in practice with my bow.

Every year, I remind hunters to get their hunting license applications in on time. And every year, even though I’ve spent so much time telling others to apply, I forget to do it myself. That’s not a huge problem, because I usually hunt deer and elk in general areas, and I’ve been able to get over-the-counter leftover licenses for antelope in several areas I know pretty well.

But this year, I decided I want to hunt deer in a limited quota area. And I almost missed the deadline. Despite running a show a few days before the deadline for applications, I found myself scrambling to get my application in only a few hours before it closed. I managed to squeak in with minutes to spare.

There’s no guarantee I’ll get my limited quota deer license, but the area next to the one I’d like to hunt is general. And the elk areas that correspond to both are general. I put in for general elk and deer with my last choices, so even if I don’t get the special permit, I’ll still get both elk and deer licenses, and I won’t have to remember to buy them later.

But that means I need to get back in practice with my bow. I haven’t been shooting as much as I should, and I don’t want to be rusty when the season rolls around. Besides, after taking a few practice shots last weekend, I realized I need new arrows, too. And since I shoot a radical helix, that means I’ll need to refletch all the new arrows I buy. That’s not something I want to be worrying about on the night before I’m supposed to leave on my hunt.

While I’m at it, I should probably get a new 3-D target, too. My old one is a bit weathered. So I have a lot to do to get ready for the season. Getting my application in on time was only the tip of the iceberg. Good luck to you in your own hunt preparations. Maybe I’ll see you at the archery store.

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