I’m not going to try to trick you with an April Fools show this year. We’ve all had more than our fair share of news lately that is either depressing, alarming or maddening. Because of that, I’ll refrain from trying to trick you today.
Instead, I offer you an idea of a way to get out of quarantine for a little while, get some fresh air, and have a good time. You’ll still want to avoid areas where 10 or more people are congregating, but it’s easy to find a place where you can be by yourself in Wyoming’s wide-open spaces.
Get a camo outfit gathered up, grab your .22 rifle and your binoculars, and get outside, because today is one of the two days of the year the jackalope season is open. The other is February 30, but we’ve already missed that one.
That’s too bad, too, because in the early season, jackalopes are more easily attracted with a jackalope call. During this late season, you’ll just have to find them. They’ve already finished the jackalope rut, so they’re content to just hunker down in the sagebrush or undergrowth and chill during the day.
You can track jackalopes if you know what to look for. Their tracks are similar to jackrabbit tracks, but you can tell the difference if you find rubs on small trees and bushes. Even when they’re not shedding velvet, buck jackalopes are aggressive, and they often work off their aggression by sparring with the vegetation.
They’re extremely elusive creatures, though. Chances are, you won’t even see one. But they’re out there. Be patient, use your binoculars to scan the brush very carefully, and you might get lucky.
At the very least, though, even if you don’t find any, you’ll have spent a good day in Wyoming’s outdoors. And there’s certainly something to be said for that.