Proposed 2024 Workers’ Compensation Employer Industry Base Rates

The Workers’ Compensation Division of the Wyoming Department of Workforce Services asserts that for 2024, the overall  change to employers’ Workers’ Compensation Industry Base Rates should be a decrease of 6.5% change when compared to the overall Industry Base Rates approved by the Department of Workforce Services that became effective January 1, 2023. 

Under said proposal, individual industry base rate classifications may increase by up to 7.1%, or decrease by up to 20.1%, compared to the industry base rates charged in 2023. In addition to the proposed change in Industry Base Rates, individual employers’ premium rates may further increase or decrease depending on individual experience rating by the implementation of an approved safety program, by participation in the Department’s drug and alcohol testing program, by participation in the health and safety consultation program, or by participation in the Department’s deductible program. 

A more definite and detailed statement of the Division’s recommendations on the proposed Industry Base Rates will be  furnished upon written application. A more definite and detailed statement will also be listed on the Department’s website after August 31, 2023, at: An electronic copy  of the actuarial reports used to arrive at the average Industry Base Rate will be available upon request by contacting the  Division at (307) 777-6763. The Division asserts that the proposed Industry Base Rates comply with the statutory  requirements of the Wyoming Workers’ Compensation Act (W.S. §§ 27-14-101 through 806, particularly § 27-14-201) and  the Wyoming Workers’ Compensation Rules, Regulations, and Fee Schedules. 

Interested parties may submit written comments regarding the proposed action to the Workers’ Compensation Division,  Employer Services Section, Attn: Workers’ Compensation Industry Base Rate Hearing, 5221 Yellowstone Road,  Cheyenne, WY 82002. 

Any written comments must be received by the Division on or before October 17, 2023, to be included in the record of the  rate-setting proceedings. Interested parties may also appear at the hearing and give oral comments. Those wishing to make  oral comments at the hearing should notify the Workers’ Compensation Division, Employer Services Section, of their intent  in writing on or before. October 17, 2023. Any disabled individual requiring accommodation should call (307) 777-6763. 

Any affected employer may contest the Industry Base Rate filing and participate in the hearing pursuant to Chapter 1,  Section 4 of the Wyoming Workers’ Compensation Rules, Regulations, and Fee Schedules and the Wyoming  Administrative Procedures Act (W.S. §§ 16-3-101 et seq.). Any employer desiring to contest the Industry Base Rate filing  shall file a written notice of appearance with the Workers’ Compensation Division, Employer Services Section, no later  than October 6, 2023. Counsel for any employer filing a notice of appearance shall file a written entry of appearance with  the Workers’ Compensation Division, Employer Services Section, within the same time period. 

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