WYDOT closes WYO 132 and US 26 near Riverton because of flooding; detour in place

WYDOT 6-19-17

The Wyoming Department of Transportation closed another road near Riverton Monday because of flooding, but a detour through Lander on US 287 is keeping traffic moving through the area.

WYDOT officials closed WYO 132, 20 miles west of Riverton near Kinnear, early Monday. Officials closed US 26, 30 miles west of Riverton near Morton, Saturday night.

“The river is moving a lot in that area,” said Pete Hallsten, district engineer. “There was an intense, long duration rainstorm that started Friday night and lasted around 10 hours in the area of Pinedale, Union Pass and Dubois that may be impacting the river.”

WYDOT has barricades near the impacted areas, preventing drivers from entering. WYDOT employees are also on site to help direct traffic to the detour.

Travelers heading east from Jackson to the Riverton area will use US 26-287 into Lander where they will then take WYO 789 north toward Riverton. Motorists heading west toward Jackson from Jeffrey City and Sweetwater Station Junction on US 287/WYO 789 should remain on that road and drive through Lander.

WYDOT is also using dynamic message signs and AM radio broadcasts on 1610 about a mile near the closure to advise motorists driving near Shoshoni on US 26/WYO 789 to avoid WYO 134 and instead head south toward Lander.

“WYDOT appreciates everyone’s patience during this situation,” Hallsten said. “People will still be able to get to their destinations through the detours WYDOT has in place.”

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