17 Wild Horses Adopted During Wyoming Mustang Days

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By Staff 8-25,2015

Seventeen Bureau of Land Management gentled wild horses and burros were adopted during Wyoming Mustang Days, at the Wyoming State Fair, in Douglas, Wyo., Aug. 11-15.

The BLM Wild Horse and Burro Program sponsored the annual adoption event, which also encourages previous wild horse adopters to showcase the abilities of their mustangs.

Ten gentled yearlings and 2 burros were adopted throughout the week, by silent bid.

Four saddle-started horses were adopted Aug. 15. The adoption, through competitive bid, followed a demonstration by the trainers from the Mantle Wild Horse Adoption and Training Facility, demonstrating the horses’ abilities.  One additional saddle-started horse was adopted immediately after the Trainer Showcase and auction.

According to Scott Fluer, Coordinator of the event, “Wyoming BLM has adopted over 100 animals through Wyoming State Fair, the public has been a huge supporter of this event each and every year.  Further, the staff from the Wyoming State Fair, the Mantle Ranch, the Wyoming Honor Farm and the Wyoming BLM Horse Specialists should all be commended for the outstanding success of this event.”   

Wyoming Mustang Days also included the All Wild Horse Show, featuring 42 previous wild horse adopters and their adopted horses, competing in three divisions, Aug. 14.

Dawn Helms of Kinnear, Wyo., and Tom Hagwood of Torrington, Wyo., were the respective champion and reserve champion in the Pro Division. JoAnne Lundahl of Wakefield, Neb.., was named champion, and Stephanie Blackshirte of Evansville, Wyo., took reserve champion in the Adult/Senior Division. Anna Lundahl of Wakefield, Neb., won the Junior Division. Natasha Lookingbill of Riverton, Wyo. won the Junior Division reserve champion.

Another wild horse adoption is planned for Sept. 11-12, at the Wyoming Honor Farm, in Riverton, Wyo. A preview of the horses is Sept. 11, followed by the adoption on Sept. 12. For more information, visit http://www.blm.gov/wy/st/en/programs/Wild_Horses/honorfarm.html.