Don’t keep buying cheap socks

I’ve talked about Darn Tough socks on this program before, and I’m going to do it again. And I’m not getting any pay or free socks to do it. This is simply a public service message to you – and your feet.

I will never again buy any socks that don’t carry the name Darn Tough. They are the best socks I’ve ever had, period. And I’m hard on footwear of any kind. I go through two or three pairs of hiking boots a year, and I used to blow through socks like they were made of Kleenex.

But several years ago, I was given a pair of Darn Tough socks for Christmas. I chuckled at the statement on the packaging, saying they were “guaranteed for life.” I mean, really? Socks guaranteed forever? Right.

But then I wore those socks. A lot. They were running socks, and I wore them for my daily workout every day for probably two years. Granted, I skipped a few workouts here and there, and I usually didn’t work out on the weekends. And my workouts were only about an hour or two, so it wasn’t like I was wearing them all day, every day. But I still wore those socks – and washed them – probably 200 to 250 times. And I still use them.

I have several more pairs now, so I don’t have to wash them every night or wear them every day. And I have boot socks, hiking socks and hunting socks, all made by Darn Tough. I have worn a few pairs out, but each time I have, I’ve sent them back, and they’ve sent me a brand-new pair. And they’re warm, they’re made of Merino wool so they stay warm even if they get wet, and they are incredibly comfortable. And I’ve bought every pair I’ve ever owned, except for that first pair and the ones that have been replaced by the company. So this is not a paid endorsement – I’m telling you because I am sold on these things. And if you’re hurting for ideas, they’d make great stocking-stuffers for Christmas. Take care of your feet and the feet of those you love this year. Get Darn Tough socks. You’ll never go back to anything else.