A deeper-than-normal winter snowpack means there is a higher risk of flooding as temperatures rise and snow melts. Governor Mark Gordon reminds residents and community leaders that the State of Wyoming is committed to assisting and supporting local communities in their response preparation efforts for potential floods.
“We recognize the importance of proactively addressing this issue and have been busy offering our expertise, resources, and personnel to prepare local communities for any flooding,” Governor Gordon said. “My priority is the safety and well-being of our citizens, and we remain vigilant and responsive to any potential threat of flooding.”
As of Friday, the Little Snake River near Baggs was experiencing minor flooding, while two gauges on the North Platte River near Saratoga indicated that waters were approaching flood stage. Governor Gordon recently visited the Carbon County Office of Emergency Management, which is coordinating distribution of sandbags being made available for area residents. Additional gauges indicate that some area rivers are near flood stage, including the Bear River in the Bridger Valley, the Salt River near Etna and Pacific Creek near Moran.
State preparedness activities have included filling sandbags, shoring up dikes, and the updating of some county websites with additional information and resources. The Wyoming Office of Homeland Security hosted a Flood Summit and Emergency Management meeting in Casper late last month to discuss areas of concern, the process for counties to request assistance, and identify resources that are available to be shared.
Residents can help by taking steps such as preparing emergency kits, having an evacuation plan including how to care for pets and livestock, and staying informed on local weather and flood alerts. Together, residents can ensure the safety of Wyoming’s communities and prevent potential damages. Work together to be prepared and protect each other during this unpredictable time. The Wyoming Information Sharing Platform is an excellent resource for staying informed.