Governor Mead Urges Legislature To Reconsider Medicaid Expansion

Governor Matt Mead today encouraged the Wyoming Legislature to reconsider expanding Medicaid as they continue their work on the state budget. The Governor reiterated the economic benefit Medicaid expansion would have to the state.
“Expansion would help cover healthcare costs for roughly twenty thousand Wyoming citizens – our friends and neighbors – many who are working. It would bring an estimated $268 million of our federal tax dollars back to the state and help with the enormous uncompensated care costs facing our hospitals,” Governor Mead said. “This is good for our economic future and it is the right thing to do as the state faces this current revenue shortfall.”
Governor Mead also cited the growing support from the public as well as a broad coalition of businesses and health care organizations.
“Medicaid expansion is supported by the Wyoming County Commissioners Association, the Wyoming Business Alliance, the Wyoming Hospital Association, the State Chambers of Commerce, the Wyoming Association of Municipalities and the Wyoming Education Association, just to name a few,” continued Governor Mead. “These groups recognize that a strong healthcare system is necessary to recruit new businesses and keep Wyoming moving forward.”
Governor Mead added, “I opposed the Affordable Care Act and sued to stop it. However, we lost the legal and political battles and now we must deal with that fact. Wyoming receives approximately $2.3 billion in federal money each year. Medicaid expansion would add to that total. I support including language that protects the state should the federal government renege on their financial promise. We lose about $310,000 every day that could be going to help our citizens. It’s time to act.”

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