I hate to see 4-H archery end

The 4-H State Shoot is just around the corner, and that means my kids’ weekly trips to Pine Bluffs to practice shooting are almost over. I wish they’d keep archery practice going all year long.

My kids are both in the 4-H shooting sports program, and they both do archery. That means for several months each year, they get to go to Pine Bluffs and practice once a week or once every other week.

Early in the year, before the weather gets nice enough and the sun stays up long enough for them to go outside, the good folks at HighWest Energy move all the trucks out of the giant shop building and let the kids shoot inside. Even the air rifle kids get to shoot inside the HighWest building.

But when spring finally rolls around, they go outside to the Pine Bluffs shooting range, and there’s a lot more room. That means there’s plenty of space for the parents to shoot a few rounds with the kids, if they want to. I look forward to Tuesdays every week, because I get to shoot my bow with my boys. I get some practice, and it’s a chance for us all to do something together we really enjoy.

But after the state shoot, we don’t get to go to practice anymore. I think I might try to pick up a 3-D archery target or two this year, and we’ll pull them out at the house on Tuesday nights after the state shoot is in the bag. Even if we can’t afford the 3-D targets, we can still play Tic-Tac-Bow or other games with the targets we have.

We just have to make the time. It seems like it’s always the truly important stuff that gets postponed when life gets busy. Don’t let that happen.

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