I need another trailer like I need a hole in my tire

I think trailers are a lot like boats. As with boats, I think the happiest days of a trailer owner’s life are the day he buys it, and the day he sells it.

If you do anything outdoors, you probably have at least one trailer. Most hunters, hikers, campers and other outdoor enthusiasts I know actually have several. I’m no exception.

I used to have a little camper I could take to the woods to stay in on hunting or fishing trips, and it worked pretty well for going to the rodeos I photograph, too. But if I wanted to take anything else along, like a four-wheeler or a horse, I would have been out of luck. I would either have to take either the horse in the horse trailer and have no camper, or take the camper, and have no horse.

That camper turned out to be just too small for our family, so we sold it about a year ago. On one hand, I was kind of sad to see it go, because it meant I was back to camping in a tent when I head to the hills. But I prefer to get a long way from the road before I bed down for the night, so that’s OK. And at least since I no longer own that camper, I don’t have to do any of the upkeep and maintenance on it anymore.

Besides, we have several other trailers. And the stock trailer actually has a tack area in front that’s big enough to sleep in, if I want to haul it to the hills for a hunt. I can throw my sleeping bag up in the nook over the gooseneck, and it’ll do just fine as a camper. I can also take a horse or two along with me.

Eventually, I hope to be able to get another camper, though. It was nice to be able to pull a little house on wheels with me for an overnight turkey hunt or something, and have a place to cook a meal or two. But a camper’s just another set of trailer lights to constantly fight with, at least two more tires to keep air in, and another license plate to pay for each year. I’ll stick with the multi-purpose trailer for now. At least until I win the lottery.

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