Kara Creek Fire Grows To 13,000 Acres

Kara Creek Fire, Inciweb

By Staff 6-27,2016

The Kara Creek Fire, which is located east of the Keyhole Reservoir, was very active during the day yesterday and grew to 13, 073 acres. Following intensive firefighting efforts, the fire is now 50 percent contained.

The main objective for today will be to improve fire lines and begin breaking apart hot areas on the edge of the fire. Kara Creek Fire Incident Commander Dick Terry said, “The efforts of the crews yesterday kept the fire from crossing the interstate. They have been putting their hearts into this fire, and it shows.”

A public meeting for the Kara Creek Fire will be held Sunday, June 26 at 4:00pm on the lawn of the Crook County Courthouse at 309 Cleveland St.

It has been confirmed that one home was lost during the initial attack on the fire; over a dozen smaller outbuildings have also been lost.

To better facilitate today’s operations the initial evacuation remains in effect. That is the area east of Keyhole Reservoir to include Pine Ridge Road, Old Sundance Road to I-90, H-Kay Road, Inyan Kara Creek Road, Windmill Lane, Arrowhead Drive, Tom Cat Lane, Tomcat Creek Road, and Nefsy Road. All of these roads are still closed to non-emergency traffic.

Cooperators managing the fire include Wyoming State Forestry Division, Wyoming Honor Conservation Camp, South Dakota Department of Wildland Fire, Crook County, Campbell County, Fremont County, Goshen County, Johnson County, Sweetwater County Weston County, US Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management.

Updated information and pictures for the Kara Creek Fire can be found online at http://inciweb.nwcg.gov/.

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