By Staff 5.9,2016
Eddie Salas of Green River called winning the Wyoming Lottery Cowboy Draw jackpot life changing. Salas, who hit all five numbers to win just over $1.3 million dollars in last week’s Cowboy Draw, picked up his winning check at Wyoming Lottery headquarters in Cheyenne Monday.
Salas said he isn’t a regular lottery player, but does play it on occasion for fun, and called the million dollar jackpot life changing.
“We want to make sure we do the right thing with the money, we don’t want it to be a just in the now situation, we want it to be down the road. We want make good decision with the money so that in the future we are still living comfortably.”
Salas also said the money would also go toward college for his daughter, and a family trip to Disney World.
Wyoming Lottery CEO John Clontz said it was nice to see a Wyoming resident win the jackpot.
“We’re really excited that we had an over a million dollar jackpot. We have local winners, and we love all of our winners where ever they come from, but we have had a couple of winners from Utah, so we are really extra happy to have some Wyoming folks that won.”