I’ve been trying to get a picture or two of three moose that people keep catching glimpses of. Every time I get a report, though, it seems like I’m either too far away to get there quick enough to find them, or I’m stuck having to go to a meeting or some other appointment.
I’m running out of time to get a picture I can use on my Christmas card. I should probably have those cards in the mail by now, but I’ve been holding out, hoping to have a good shot of a moose to use for the front of the card. It would be even better if I had a picture of the big bull people keep seeing, standing knee-deep in a fresh snow, with snow-covered evergreens in the background. But I’ll settle for any shot of those moose at this point.
This moose hunt reminds me of a moose that kept making appearances at an outdoor writer’s conference I went to in Alaska a few years ago. Everyone else at the conference kept seeing that moose, and I was actively trying to find it. I saw a few cell-phone photos of him, and he was a massive old bull. There was a pond at one end of the resort where we were having the conference, and he’d been seen over there several times. So I got up early one morning and tried to catch him at the pond. I waited there for a while, but he never showed up, so I went over to the meadow on the other side of the resort to see if he was hanging out over there. No luck. Later that day, other conference attendees said they’d seen him at the meadow earlier in the morning, then at the pond later in the day.
So I switched it up the next day, with exactly the reverse reported by those who had seen him. It seemed like I was always one step behind that old boy.
I never did catch up to that bull moose. I’m hoping I have better luck with this group of moose I’ve been chasing for the last couple weeks. And I think my Christmas cards are going to be really late this year.
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