I need to get my sharpshooter son out hunting

There are several types of shooting competitions that can help make you a better hunter, or at least improve your skills when it comes to making that shot on a big bull elk. But those other disciplines won’t get you to the Olympics.

My son Logan started precision air rifle shooting several years ago through the American Legion Post 6 program in Cheyenne. Some schools in Wyoming have air rifle teams that let the kids get coaching and experience in a school team environment, but Logan didn’t go to any of those schools. He competed in the athletic events his high school provided, but then he went to shooting practice on top of that.

He graduated from high school, but he’s still young enough to continue competing with Post 6 or with his new shooting team, Excaliber Precision. That’s where we were this weekend – competing in a three-position shoot at Natrona County High School.

I haven’t been able to make it to Logan’s practice even once this season, so I was very pleasantly surprised to see how much he’s improved since his last competition. That previous event was the Junior Olympics Nationals, where he placed well out of the awards. But Saturday, he put up a score that might have gotten him at least within striking distance of the Junior Olympic qualifications. He’ll be trying to get back to Junior Nationals in a couple of months at the state shoot.

The kid has some natural talent for shooting, but that’ll only get you so far. His precision shooting coach, Phillip Dobkins, has really helped him improve, and if he makes it to Junior Nationals this year, he might turn some heads.

I have to say I’m very proud of how far he’s come. Now I need to get him out in the woods to do some hunting. Maybe with him shooting, we can actually bring some meat home this year.

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