Last Wednesday, Wyoming Secretary of State Chuck Gray conditionally certified the “People’s Initiative to Limit Property Tax in Wyoming through a Homeowner’s Exemption” which was submitted to the Secretary of State’s Office.
Pursuant to Wyoming law, the people may propose and enact laws by initiative upon completion of the requirements set forth in W.S. 22-24-301 et seq. Conditional certification is granted pending submission of the signatures of 100 qualified registered voters to act as sponsors in support of the initiative.
“The people’s right to propose and enact laws by initiative to address fundamental issues, such as property tax limits, is pivotal to our state,” Secretary Gray said in a statement.
“At the Secretary of State’s Office, we take our role in the initiative process very seriously, and will work diligently to ensure the ‘People’s Initiative to Limit Property Tax in Wyoming through a Homeowner’s Exemption’ is processed efficiently and in accordance with Wyoming law.”