Selected Adventurer Announced for Wyoming’s “Call of the WY” Promotion

WOT 6-26-17

The Wyoming Office of Tourism (WOT) is delighted to announce Quin Schrock as the selected adventurer for this summer’s experiential “Call of the WY” promotion.

“To be able to explore Wyoming for six weeks is an opportunity that comes along once in a blue moon,” said Quin Schrock. “Wyoming has the best of everything I love–incredible night skies, endless adventure and the chance to be out in the middle of nowhere as I find my own #CallOfTheWY. Plus, it’s the perfect time for me to go and explore a wildness that’s not found anywhere else.”

A native of California, Schrock applied for the “Call of the WY” casting call with 2,100 other applicants from across the country and was selected as his aesthetic, sense of adventure and minimalistic lifestyle work beautifully with Wyoming’s offerings and lifestyle. An adventure and lifestyle photographer by trade, Schrock has developed a distinct photography style that captures the human spirit as it engages with diverse, remote and off-the-beaten-path landscapes.

“We had incredible applicants who applied to be part of the “Call of the WY” promotion,” said Diane Shober, executive director of the Wyoming Office of Tourism. “Quin seems like a perfect fit and we can’t wait to follow along with his Wyoming adventure as he discovers the place we’re all lucky enough to call home.”

Part of the larger “That’s WY” campaign for the Wyoming Office of Tourism, the “Call of the WY” promotion begins July 2 as Schrock sets out to explore Wyoming in a mobile tiny house that features design work from Casper-based interior designer and photographer Shawn Rivett.

During his six weeks in Wyoming, Schrock’s travels will take him in, around and through Buffalo Bill’s Cody/Yellowstone Country, Wind River Country, Visit Pinedale and Sweetwater Country Travel & Tourism. Schrock’s #CallOfTheWY will begin on July 2 in northwest Wyoming and conclude in southwest Wyoming on August 13.

As for Schrock, he wants to find his #CallOfTheWY in Wyoming due to a variety of reasons, one of which is the memory of a family trip to the Cowboy State.

“I’ll always remember driving through Wyoming,” said Schrock. “Where the wide-open plains meet the rugged mountains; the bison, geysers and unique natural beauty all spoke to me. I swore that one day I would come back and stay for awhile and experience it in full.”

Schrock will be answering his #CallOfTheWY as he shares photos and stories from his travels at, as well as on his personal Instagram at @EverChangingHorizon and his blog.

“Wyoming fits my lifestyle and combines two of the things I love most: adventure and serenity in nature,” said Schrock. “For me, this is a chance to put myself out of my comfort zone and into the heart of a place I love–a place that’s still wild, free and off-the-grid in the best way possible.”

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