CHEYENNE. CSNN, (AP) – Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz swung through Cheyenne with promises to undo huge portions of President Obama’s legacy.
The junior U.S. senator from Texas says he would “rip to shreds” a nuclear agreement with Iran and “repeal every word” of the Affordable Care Act.
Cruz also pledged to end environmental regulations that stand to hurt the coal industry – a message that carries special significance in the top coal-producing state.
Cruz spoke at a fundraiser for the Wyoming Republican Party. About 150 people attended the event at the Wyoming Hereford Ranch.
Cruz was the 2nd GOP hopeful to make a visit to Wyoming this week. On Monday, Dr. Ben Carson paid a visit to Jackson. Next week, another Junior Senator running for President will make a stop in the Cowboy State, as Kentucky Senator Rand Paul will hold rallies in Cheyenne and Casper.