DU can help you find public places to hunt
Waterfowl hunting has become more of a private land activity in the last decade or so. A lot of waterfowlers have resorted to leasing blinds on ponds and in farm fields. That’s a great way […]
Waterfowl hunting has become more of a private land activity in the last decade or so. A lot of waterfowlers have resorted to leasing blinds on ponds and in farm fields. That’s a great way […]
Waterfowl hunting is a lot of fun, and ducks and geese can make for great meals. But it’s not very hard to screw up when you’re duck hunting. A former game warden once told me […]
You can be a hunter and also be a birdwatcher. In fact, being a birdwatcher can actually help you when you hunt. The more practice you get watching ducks, for instance, the better you’ll be […]
A friend of mine recently asked me what he’d need to get started hunting ducks. He’s pretty well-off, and he asked if money were no object, what would I get? The first thing that came […]
Though the bulk of Canada goose banding takes place on the nesting grounds in Canada, some happens here in the States, too. Hunting season is rapidly approaching, so it’s important to know what to do […]
Let’s face it. If you haven’t sent off that stack of Christmas cards yet, it’s too late now. On the same token, any packages you haven’t sent to their intended recipients in other states aren’t […]
A goose blind can be anything from a burlap sack you pull over yourself to a concrete bunker you’ve constructed in a field or on the edge of a marsh. The burlap sack has two […]
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