By Staff 7-18,2017
With the nation’s lowest in-state tuition and relatively strong salaries for its graduates, the University of Wyoming ranks No. 1 on Student Loan Hero’s list of “20 States Where College Is Worth the Cost.”
The website compared the cost of bachelor’s degrees in each state to how much holders of four-year degrees earn in those states, concluding that Wyoming’s return on investment is tops in the nation.
“With these low costs, a degree is a sound investment for Wyoming residents,” the website says. “A graduate will break even in 1.7 years, plus triple their initial investment within five years of graduating.”
The cost of earning a bachelor’s degree at UW is $22,422, the website says, as the university’s resident tuition and fees are the lowest among the nation’s public institutions. Meanwhile, the average salary for the holder of a bachelor’s degree in Wyoming is $45,519, compared to $31,936 for those with high school diplomas only.
“This results in a 43 percent increase in pay for earning a bachelor’s degree,” the website says.
In-state UW graduates’ return on investment after five years, the website says, is 203 percent — significantly higher than the No. 2 state on the list, New Mexico, with its 151 percent return on investment.
Student Loan Hero provides assistance to those seeking help with organizing, managing and repaying student loans.