Use the whole offseason to prepare for hunting

The company that makes my favorite hunting gear, KUIU, does a lot more than just make excellent clothing and equipment. They also provide tips to being a more successful hunter. I need to start paying more attention to their advice.

KUIU makes most of the gear I use for hunting. I have jackets, sweatshirts, coats, pants, packs, and a lot more KUIU stuff. Even my Weatherby rifle and Hoyt bow are clad in KUIU camo. I love that stuff.

But during the offseason, they stay busy pumping out all sorts of great articles and guides to help us all be more successful in the field. And you don’t have to buy any of their gear to be able to access these tips. They post them for everyone to see on their website at

Their most recent article gives some great advice for preparing well in advance for the next hunting season. As they note, hunting season may seem a long way in the distance, but if you don’t start preparing now, you’ll be behind the curve when the leaves start to fall off the trees.

This article goes through the five habits of successful hunters. If you make these habits part of your lifestyle, you’ll improve your chances of coming home with meat next fall.

Start with reading up and researching your hunting areas, draw odds, public vs. private lands, and anything else you can learn about where you want to hunt. Then prepare and practice. Get so your gear seems like an extension of yourself, not like something new you only use once or twice a year. Then train and test. Wear your gear when you exercise, and continue to get comfortable with it. After you draw your licenses, scout and study the area. Figure out where the animals feed, find water, and travel. And finally, play the part. As you embark on your hunt, visualize yourself being successful. Immerse yourself in the experience.

Hunting season may seem like it’s a long way off, but start preparing for it now.