WIC Offers Food, Support for Many Wyoming Families

WDH   7-12-18

The Wyoming WIC Program, which is operated by the Wyoming Department of Health (WDH), offers nutritious food items, as well as many other benefits, for many Wyoming families.


“WIC helps all kinds of families, including working families. We don’t just help moms. Dads, grandparents, legal guardians or foster parents with infants or children under 5 are also welcome to apply for WIC benefits,” said Janet Moran, WIC program manager with WDH.


WIC offers benefits to low-income women who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or who just had a baby, and families with children under the age of 5. The program currently has about 10,000 enrolled participants across Wyoming.


“We offer families who participate in WIC ideas on how to shop for healthy food,” Moran said. “Nutrition education on pregnancy, breastfeeding support and family meals are each available.”


To qualify, families must be at or below the program’s gross (before taxes) income guidelines:


  • 1 person family -$22,459/year or $1,872/month
  • 2 person family -$30,451/year or $2,538/month
  • 3 person family -$38,443/year or $3,204/month
  • 4 person family -$46,435/year or $3,870/month
  • 5 person family -$54,427/year or $4,536/month
  • 6 person family -$62,419/year or $5,202/month


Families already receiving SNAP, TANF or Wyoming Medicaid benefits also qualify for WIC.


“We tell people to ‘let WIC work wonders’ for their families,” Moran said. “By lending parents a caring ear, providing free and healthy food, and making referrals to outside care and social services, we hope to offer the support parents need to be successful.”


For more information or to find a local WIC clinic, call 1-888- 996-9378 or the WIC state office at (307) 777-7494. Details and contact information are also available online at https://health.wyo.gov/publichealth/wic/ or on Facebook at “Wyoming WIC Program.”


WDH is an equal opportunity provider.

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