WY Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Treasurer Gordon

Treas  3-25-18

Wyoming State Treasurer Mark Gordon released the following statement today after the Wyoming Supreme Court issued its ruling on an important case intended to clarify the role of the Wyoming Treasurer in state contracts.

“I am pleased the Supreme Court has ruled on this fundamental constitutional matter and I want to thank the Court for its careful consideration of the issues involved. Every elected official takes an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution, a responsibility I take
very seriously. I brought this suit to clarify the role of the Treasurer in the process of contracting on behalf of the state. With today’ s ruling, we have clear direction on the role and authority of the Treasurer now and into the future.”

“I appreciate Governor Mead’s leadership on this important project and I look forward to working with my colleagues on the Capitol Oversight Committee to bring this important project to an appropriate and fiscally responsible close.”

In May of 2016, Treasurer Gordon filed a lawsuit questioning the constitutionality of the Capitol Building Rehabilitation and Restoration Oversight Group statutes that did not enable the State Treasurer to review and approve contracts – as is required by the

The Supreme Court’s opinion can be found at:
https:/ /services.courts.state. wy.us/Documents/Opinions/20 18WY32 .pdf

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