Wyoming State Canvassing Board Certifies Primary Election Results

SOS  8-30-18

The Wyoming State Canvassing Board certified the primary election results on Wednesday morning, August 29th – making what were previously unofficial results official.


The State Canvassing Board examined the results of state-level races across Wyoming and certified 117 winning candidates to be placed on the 2018 General Election Ballot. The State Canvassing Board is comprised of: Governor Matt Mead; Secretary of State Edward Buchanan (chair); State Auditor Cynthia Cloud; and State Treasurer Mark Gordon.


“The 2018 Election is only half-way over. I look forward to seeing the people of Wyoming choose from among these candidates on November 6th, 2018. Our top five elected officials, 60 state representatives, 15 state senators, a U.S. House Representative and a U.S. Senator are all on the ballot,” said Secretary of State Edward Buchanan.


The candidates certified by the State Canvassing Board included write-in candidates for several offices. These candidates must either accept or reject their party’s nomination to be included on the general election ballot. These write-in candidates are Democratic candidates for State Treasurer (Chris Lowry), State Superintendent of Public Instruction (Mike Massie), House District 54 (Mark Calhoun), and a Republican candidate for House District 23 (Alexander Muromcew).


“I am pleased that I, and the other members of the Canvassing Board are able to certify the primary election results for Wyoming,” said Governor Matt Mead. “I thank the Secretary of State and his office for their work and I thank everyone who voted. I encourage you to vote again during the general election.”


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