I’ve been tromping around Cheyenne in the Danner Pronghorn hunting boots I got at Sportsman’s Warehouse, but until last weekend, I hadn’t had a chance to test them in actual nasty, muddy, wet, cold hunting conditions. But from the moment I stepped out of the truck in the walk-in area I went hunting in, those boots were put to a rigorous test.
It was just above freezing, so the mud was slick, rather than being frozen solid. It was also cold. But those boots gave me good traction, and better yet, they kept my feet warm and dry all day long.
It wasn’t just my boots that got a trial run, either. I had picked up some other new gear at Sportsman’s Warehouse the day before my hunt, and I wanted to see how all of it worked.
The really cool new toy I wanted to play with wasn’t really a lot of use on a pheasant hunt, but I played with it a bunch anyway. It was the Bushnell The Truth rangefinder. I tried to guess distances to humps of brush, distant hills, and one wayward antelope. I got pretty close with my guesses, but that rangefinder told me the exact distance all the way out to 850 yards. And with a four-power magnification, it made it easier to see what I was trying to find the range for.
But the item I really wanted to test out was the new box of Kent Upland Fasteel shells I was carrying. I’d been out earlier in the season and got skunked, so I wanted to at least get a shot. And sure enough, my dog flushed a pheasant while I was dinking around with that rangefinder, so I shoved it in a pocket and brought up my shotgun. The bird got a head start on me, but I pulled up and let fly with one of those No. 6 loads, and it anchored him. It made me an instant Kent Fasteel fan.
Stop in at Sportsman’s Warehouse before your next hunt and pick some up, or order a case from SportsmansWarehouse.com.
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