By Staff 5-12,2016
The suspect in a bank robbery in Laramie Wednesday may be connected to similar robberies around the country. Shortly after 4:15 Wednesday afternoon, a woman walked into the Bank of the West branch at 222 Garfield Street in Laramie and handed a teller a robbery note.
The suspect, a dark haired woman, then fled with an unknown amount of cash. Her direction of travel and method of departure are still unknown at this time. No weapon was displayed during the robbery. With the public’s assistance, investigators have tentatively connected the woman, whose identity remains unknown, with similar cases elsewhere in the country.
FBI investigators from Cheyenne were contacted and are assisting in the continuing investigation. If you have any information on this event, or information about the identity of the suspect shown, please contact Detective Sergeant Robert Terry of the Laramie Police Department at (307) 721-3563 or the Laramie Communications Center at (307) 721-2526.