WDH 3-14-17
Wyoming residents are invited by the Wyoming Department of Health (WDH) and other partners to share thoughts and ideas for addressing Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias at a series of statewide listening sessions.
A task force is developing a state plan to address Alzheimer’s disease in Wyoming. WDH is joined on the task force by the Wyoming Alzheimer’s Association, University of Wyoming Center on Aging, St. John’s Medical Center and St. John’s Hospital Foundation and AARP.
“We see these listening sessions as a great opportunity to gain insight into the lives of those with Alzheimer’s disease or another form of dementia as well as the challenges faced by those who care for these individuals,” said Linda Chasson, a WDH Aging Division program manager.
Chasson noted the number of Wyoming residents living with Alzheimer’s is expected to grow from an estimated 9,100 individuals last year to 13,000 in 2025.
Meetings in each community are scheduled from 3-5 p.m.
March 21-Cheyenne
Laramie County Community College, Room 108 Clay Pathfinder Ballroom
1400 East College Drive
March 22-Guernsey
Guernsey Senior Center, Dining Room
100 S. Wyoming Avenue
March 23-Casper
University of Wyoming at Casper Campus, Rm UU322
125 College Drive
March 24-Gillette
Campbell County Public Library, Wyoming Room
2101 South 4J Rd
March 27-Rock Springs
Rock Springs Library, Ferrero Room
400 C Street
March 28-Lander
Fremont County Library, Meeting Rooms A&B
451 N 2nd St
March 29-Ethete
Wind River Tribal College, Classroom C1
533 Ethete Road
March 30-Jackson
Teton County Library
125 Virginian Lane
April 5-Worland
Washakie County Library, Large Meeting Room
1019 Coburn Ave
April 6-Cody
Park County Library, Grizzly Room
1500 Heart Mountain Road
Interested residents who can’t attend one of the listening sessions may share their thoughts via an online survey found at https://uwgeriatric.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3l7QDLnvmHmoaJT.
For more information about the listening sessions and Alzheimer’s disease, please visit http://www.uwyo.edu/wycoa/_files/alz_state_plan.html or http://www.alz.org/wyoming/ online. For more information about the plan please contact Chasson at (307) 777-6103 or linda.chasson1@wyo.gov.