By Staff 12-8,2016
A Wyoming State Trooper K-9 Team and a Thayne, Wyoming man were injured last night (Dec. 7th) after a two vehicle crash occurred at mile post 105 on US Highway 89 approximately 20 miles north of Afton, Wyoming. The crash occurred at 6:12 p.m. after the trooper had stopped to turn around to assist a motorist with a tire change.
As the trooper made a u-turn from a stopped position on the shoulder of the highway to assist the broken down motorist, the trooper did not see a northbound 2011 Chevy Silverado pickup truck driven by 58 year old Kenneth Magrath of Thayne. The two vehicles collided in the middle of US 89.
After the crash, WHP K-9 Hunter escaped from the patrol vehicle and ran from the crash scene. Hunter was eventually located by WHP Troopers after tracking Hunter in the snow for approximately three miles in -15 degree temperatures. Patrol was also helped in locating Hunter with the assistance of the Lincoln County Sherriff’s Office, WHP Troopers from adjoining divisions, and a very large community response via a community Facebook alert.
Kenneth Magrath was wearing his seat belt and taken by ground ambulance to the Star Valley Medical Center in Afton and was treated and released.
11-year WHP veteran Trooper Scott Neilson was wearing his seat belt and was transported by ground ambulance to Star Valley Medical Center in Afton and has been hospitalized with non-life threatening injuries.
K-9 Hunter was taken to Carter Animal Hospital in Thayne and received a clean bill of health.
The WHP cannot express enough gratitude for the community response and assistance from this event in taking care of Trooper Neilson and Mr. Magrath as well as helping locate K-9 Hunter. WHP Colonel Kebin Haller stated “This event is yet another example of the high level of quality our Wyoming citizens possess from the support that was provided to our K-9 Team last night. This couldn’t have ended any better.”